Urban Quilt Show – part of the ArtX festival!

ARTx: Art + Ideas Experience Arizona seeks to elevate Flagstaff as a sustainable and accessible community for creative practice, artmaking, placemaking, and exploration. 

Explore over a dozen juried projects, performances and installations across downtown and southside Flagstaff, free of charge. Additional collaborations and pop-up experiences occur in and around the festival. Explore and discover art and ideas in new ways, in unique places, in Flagstaff!

More information about ArtX here!               https://www.facebook.com/artxarizona 




2024 Guidelines for ArtX Urban Quilt show by Celebrate Quilts and Coconino Quilters Guild Entries 

This project addresses the multi-faceted ways that quilts can benefit a community. Coconino Quilters Guild is specifically working with foster teens by providing them as well as other foster kids with quilts that become their OWN. We will highlight that and other community service work while also displaying the beautiful artwork of our local quilters.⁠

*****Click here for the Registration Form  to fill out online.   


All submissions must be in good taste and suitable for family viewing.

There is no limit of entries per person. Quilts of all sizes are encouraged. Not all quilts submitted may be accepted. Size is important because we are working within specific parameters. Please submit a quality picture as well. Quilts are not “juried” in, but will be selected based on size and when this form is submitted. All decisions will be made by Celebrate Quilts and are final.  A stipend is available to quilters selected for the show. 

Please Note: All entries, regardless of size, must have a 4” sleeve sewn to the upper back of the quilt. Quilts without a sleeve will be not be displayed, no exceptions. The quilt must have a label with the quilters name on it. The entries will be hung as space permits, but all accepted entries will be displayed. Celebrate Quilts reserves the right to reject, re-categorize or refuse to display any entry.


Delivery, Display, and Pick-up

Please understand that the quilts will be on display from May 17-May 27. 

Quilt Delivery. Quilts must be hand delivered to Celebrate Quilts, location TBA. Quilts will be accepted for intake on Wednesday May 15th.

Quilt Return. Pick-up will be on Tuesday May 38. If you are not able to attend the day we will be bringing the quilts down from their locations, be sure to make arrangements with a friend to pick up your quilt.   Also, let one of the coordinators know this will be happening.

Please like and follow our Facebook page for updates: https://www.facebook.com/CelebrateQuilts


Supported by the following:


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